Kimi to, nami ni noretara Movie Watch megavideo Solarmovie creators Reiko Yoshida
Masaaki Yuasa; Star=Ryôta Katayose; 383 Votes; Story=Kimi to, nami ni noretara is a movie starring Ryôta Katayose, Rina Kawaei, and Honoka Matsumoto. A surfer and firefighter meet and fall in love; Creators=Reiko Yoshida; Average rating=7 / 10 stars. Thanks bro you brought me tears 😭. 3 Posted by 1 month ago Question I can't find a good site to watch { Kimi to, Nami ni noretara} does someone know a good site without ads? 2 comments 66% Upvoted Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up Sort by level 1 1 point · 1 month ago You'll have to wait for the Blu-ray's, or maybe a few months for Netflix to release the movie. level 2 Original Poster 1 point · 1 month ago Ok thanks More posts from the anime community Continue browsing in r/anime r/anime Reddit's premier anime community. 1. 4m competitive karuta fans 9. 1k studying the Hyakunin Isshu Created Jan 25, 2008 help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts Communities Top Posts Topics about careers press advertise blog Terms Content policy Privacy policy Mod policy Reddit Inc © 2020. All rights reserved.
Hace poco me la vi en japonés y es muy buena. Kimi to nami ni noretara movie watch free. I always wonder about how there is virtually no surfing in anime or manga even though so many series being based around the ocean/water Japan is not an island per se, more like a bunch of mountain tops that happen to stick out of Pacific ocean. Thus seawater deepens very quickly off the shore, making the region unsuitable for building up those waves e. g. californians enjoy. I think one can surf in Okinawa, but that's way to the south, so not Japan proper. Hes super talented always. That voice melts me! I dont care for his looks as I use to, I wish he would go back to a more sleek manicured sexy look Please no mustache.
Kimi to, nami ni noretara Movie watch video. Kimi to, nami ni noretara Movie watch dogs. Alternative Titles English: Ride Your Wave Japanese: きみと、波にのれたら Information Episodes: 1 Status: Finished Airing Aired: Jun 21, 2019 Source: Original Duration: 1 hr. 34 min. Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older Statistics Score: 7. 46 1 (scored by 2, 677 users) indicates a weighted score. Please note that 'Not yet aired' titles are excluded. Ranked: #1874 2 2 based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #2962 Members: 26, 824 Favorites: 66 7. 46 Ranked #1874 Popularity #2962 Members 26, 824 * Your list is public by default. Synopsis Entranced by surfing and the sea, Hinako Mukaimizu is a spirited girl who attends college in a coastal city with no consideration for her future career. Her life takes an unexpected turn when a fireworks mishap sets the apartment building she lives in ablaze, where she is saved by a talented firefighter named Minato Hinageshi. Upon meeting, the two quickly become acquainted with one another—Hinako is instantly enamored by Minato's reliable personality and passion for saving others, while Minato is intrigued by surfing and is eager to learn how. As Hinako begins to teach Minato about surfing, the pair eventually fall in love and begin a gentle and devoted relationship. However, while surfing may seem fun and carefree, it can still be a dangerous and unpredictable activity. This is what Hinako learns when a surfing incident completely changes her life, leaving her forced to contemplate her undecided future. In search of her own calling, Hinako begins her journey of self-discovery, keeping Minato by her side as she gradually attempts to find her purpose and ride her own wave. [Written by MAL Rewrite] Background No background information has been added to this title. Help improve our database by adding background information here. Related Anime Characters & Voice Actors Staff Edit Opening Theme No opening themes have been added to this title. Help improve our database by adding an opening theme here. Ending Theme "Brand New Story" by GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE More reviews Reviews Jul 1, 2019 1 of 1 episodes seen I wasn't really expecting much before watching this movie, mainly because I saw the trailer and I thought it was going to be some sappy love story which I've honestly seen my fair share but I'm really glad I actually watched it. Story - 9 SPOILER ALERT The story focuses on Mukaimizu Hinako and how she learns to "find her wave". It's about how people need to keep moving forward and learn to stand on their own even through the hardships. There's a lot of symbolism in the movie between riding a wave and the life of a person. The story also touches on motivation, as Hinako struggles read more Jan 4, 2020 I picked up this film for no other reason than the fact that it was directed than Masaaki Yuasa. This is a very different type of story than he would typically adapt. It's a story about love, coming of age and learning to move on from loss. Colorful, vibrant and fairly easygoing, it does away with most of Yuasa's hallmarks of frantic and wild feverdreams. Nothing wrong with that, however I don't think the movie is very successful at giving its lead much of anything to do besides being an absolutely hopeless blubbering mess who comes off as a dysfunctional klutz who needs her hand held Jul 18, 2019 The showing date for Tenki no Ko was announced the day right after I booked my flight to Japan, and that showing happened to be just a day after my flight back. In pure frustration, I decided I would watch at least one anime movie while I was there, and that happened to be this: Kimi to Nami. After seeing only the trailer, I didn't really have much expectation for this other than a sappy, supernatural love story, but it was surprisingly good. The story was simple, the characters were easily relatable, and the music was fantastic. I still find myself humming BRAND NEW STORY every Jan 6, 2020 I normally don't write reviews and forgive me if my thought process is all over the place. This review will contain spoilers (kind of) as well as my own personal experience, so please bear with me. This is my first review. When I first saw the trailer for this film, I thought it would be another romance anime, but it was more than that to me. I'll start with the six points and why I scored them as such. I hope you enjoy this review. And even if our opinions differ, I'm glad I was still able to share my experience with you all. Story Recommendations Recent News Recent Forum Discussion.
Kimi to nami ni noretara movie watch. Kimi to 2c nami ni noretara movie watch faces.
You be holding me so tight when you get lonely
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Chale una relación haci nunca sucede 😞😞
Ima koko ni iru koto wo. Kimi to, nami ni noretara Movie watch now. Same japanese romantic movie, nothing really special. Skip it.
Kimi to nami ni noretara movie watch download
Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast no comments yet Be the first to share what you think! It is all about anime. Join us and share your favorite anime series. Find out what is new and what is coming. Reddit Inc © 2020. All rights reserved Cookies help us deliver our Services. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Learn More. So, does he see her in the shower if he is in every droplet of water? 😳.
-自信を持てずにいるすべての人へ- 世界が注目するアニメーション監督・湯浅政明 待望のオリジナル最新作! アヌシー国際アニメーション映画祭・クリスタル賞(グランプリ)受賞作品『夜明け告げるルーのうた』(17年)、日本アカデミー賞最優秀アニメーション賞受賞作品『夜は短し歩けよ乙女』(17年)、昨年Netflixで配信がスタートした「DEVILMAN crybaby」など数々の話題作を世に送り出し、疾走感と躍動感に溢れる自由闊達な映像表現で、日本のみならず世界を魅了してきた湯浅政明。 活躍の勢いがとどまることを知らない湯浅監督待望の最新作は、海辺の街を舞台にした、消防士の青年・港(みなと)とサーファーの大学生・ひな子との、運命的な恋を描くラブストーリー。 スタッフは、脚本に『猫の恩返し』(02年)、『映画けいおん!』(11年)、『若おかみは小学生!』(18年)の吉田玲子。音楽を「リトルウィッチアカデミア」シリーズ、『夜は短し歩けよ乙女』(17年)の大島ミチルが担当。湯浅監督作品での活躍も記憶に新しく、日本アニメーション界に欠かせない存在の二人が本作でも強力なタッグを組む。 声の出演として、“港”役に、人気ダンス&ボーカルグループGENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBEでボーカルを務める片寄涼太。ドラマ・映画他ジャンルを超えた展開が話題の『PRINCE OF LEGEND』(18年~)への出演や、配信中のネットドラマ「TOKYO COIN LAUNDRY」では主演を務めるなど俳優としても今後の活躍が期待されている片寄が、声優に初挑戦する。また、港と恋に落ちるヒロイン“ひな子”役には、『嘘を愛する女』(18年)、『センセイ君主』(18年)、『人魚の眠る家』(18年)など話題作に続々出演、『恋のしずく』(18年)では映画初主演も果たし、演技派の女優として抜群の存在感を発揮する川栄李奈。 さらに港の妹・洋子役にテレビドラマ「この世界の片隅に」(18年)で、3000人を超える中からオーディションを勝ち抜きヒロイン“すず”役を熱演、確かな演技力に注目の集まる松本穂香。港の後輩消防士・川村わさび役に『コーヒーが冷めないうちに』(18年)や「アシガール」(18年)で好演、「今日から俺は!」(18年)のツッパリ・伊藤役で大ブレークを果たし、本年度の日本アカデミー賞で話題賞と新人俳優賞のW受賞を達成した伊藤健太郎と、人気、実力を兼ね備えたフレッシュな二人が脇をかため、最旬豪華キャストが実現した。 また主題歌はGENERATI0NS が担当。本作のために書き下ろされた「Brand New Story」は物語のキーとなる曲として、作品をドラマティックに彩る。 “したたかに生きなければという世の中で、純粋な主人公を波にのせてあげたいと思った”と監督が語るこの作品は、そっとあなたの背中を押す物語。心に響くメロディにのせ、切なくも胸が熱くなる、感動の青春ラブストーリーがこの夏誕生する。 心に響くメロディにのせ、 切なくも胸が熱くなる、 感動の青春ラブストーリーが この夏誕生する。 大学入学を機に海辺の街へ越してきたひな子。サーフィンが大好きで、波の上では怖いものなしだが自分の未来については自信を持てずにいた。ある火事騒動をきっかけに、ひな子は消防士の港(みなと)と出会い、二人は恋に落ちる。 お互いがなくてはならない存在となった二人だが、港は海の事故で命を落としてしまう。大好きな海が見られなくなるほど憔悴するひな子が、ある日ふと二人の思い出の歌を口ずさむと、水の中から港が現れる。 「ひな子のこと、ずっと助けるって約束したろ?」 死んだはずの港と再び会えたことを喜ぶひな子だが…。 奇跡がもたらした二人の恋の行方は? そして、港が再び姿を見せた本当の目的とは? 雛罌粟 港 (ひなげし みなと) 消防士 正義感が強く仕事でも信頼されている。器用で何でもそつなくこなす。海の事故で命を落としてしまうが、ひな子の歌をきっかけに再び現れる。 片寄涼太 Ryota Katayose 1994年生まれ、大阪府出身。12年にダンス&ボーカルグループGENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBEのボーカルとしてデビュー。GENERATIONSは幅広い層から絶大な支持を集める人気グループへと成長し、18年には初の単独ドームツアーを開催、大成功を収めている。ドラマ「GTO」(14年)で俳優デビュー、映画『兄に愛されすぎて困ってます』(17年)、ドラマ・映画他ジャンルを超えた展開が話題の『PRINCE OF LEGEND』(18年~)などに出演。配信中のネットドラマ「TOKYO COIN LAUNDRY」では主演を務めるなど、俳優としても今後の活躍が期待される。アニメーション映画への声の出演は本作が初となる。 向水 ひな子 (むかいみず ひなこ) 大学生 サーフィンが大好きでその腕前もかなりのもの。明るくあっけらかんとした性格だが、自分の未来については自信を持てずにいる。 川栄李奈 Rina Kawaei 1995年生まれ、神奈川県出身。女優。舞台「AZUMI 幕末編」(15年)で初舞台初主演を務め高い演技力が話題となる。連続テレビ小説「とと姉ちゃん」(16年)、「フランケンシュタインの恋」(17年)、映画では『嘘を愛する女』(18年)、『センセイ君主』(18年)、『人魚の眠る家』(18年)など話題作に続々出演。『恋のしずく』(18年)では映画初主演を果たすなど、演技派の若手女優として抜群の存在感を発揮している。アニメーション映画への声の出演としては、『KUBO/クボ 二本の弦の秘密』(17年)、『劇場版ポケットモンスター みんなの物語』(18年)など。 雛罌粟 洋子 (ひなげし ようこ) 港の妹で高校生 誰に対してもぶっきらぼうな態度を取る一方、兄を慕っている。 松本穂香 Honoka Matsumoto 1997年生まれ、大阪府出身。 主演短編映画『MY NAME』でデビュー。 連続テレビ小説「ひよっこ」(17年)への出演で注目を集め、『恋は雨上がりのように』(18年)、『世界でいちばん長い写真』(18年)など話題作に続々出演。『アストラル・アブノーマル鈴木さん』(19年)では映画初主演にして一人二役を演じている。主演映画『おいしい家族』が公開待機中(19年公開予定)。また、テレビドラマでは「この世界の片隅に」(18年)で、3000人を超える中からオーディションを勝ち抜きヒロイン“すず”役に抜擢され、独特な雰囲気と確かな演技力で多くの視聴者を惹きつけた。現在は主演ドラマ「JOKER×FACE」が好評放送中。アニメーション映画への声の出演は本作が初となる。 川村 山葵 (かわむら わさび) 新人消防士で港の後輩 人懐っこい性格だが、仕事では失敗ばかりを繰り返し、消防士としてはまだ半人前。 伊藤健太郎 Kentaro Ito 1997年生まれ、東京都出身。モデルとして活躍後、ドラマ「昼顔~平日午後3時の恋人たち~」(14年)で俳優デビュー。『犬猿』(18年)、『ルームロンダリング』(18年)、『コーヒーが冷めないうちに』(18年)など多数の話題作に出演。また、「今日から俺は!!」(18年)のツッパリ、“伊藤”役などユニークな役柄でも人気を博し、幅広い年代から支持されている。今後も白井晃演出による、舞台「春のめざめ」(19年4月上演予定)、ベストセラーコミックの映画化となる『惡の華』(19年秋公開予定)などでの主演が待機しており、今最も注目を集める若手俳優のひとり。 監督 湯浅 政明 1965年3月16日生まれ、福岡県出身。アニメーション監督、サイエンスSARU代表取締役 九州産業大学芸術学部美術学科を卒業後、亜細亜堂へ参加し、芝山努氏に師事。のちにフリーランスとして活動。メインスタッフとしてテレビアニメ『ちびまる子ちゃん』、『クレヨンしんちゃん』シリーズなどに携わる。映画初監督作品『マインド・ゲーム』(04年)ではモントリオール・ファンタジア国際映画祭最優秀作品賞ほか数々の賞を総なめに。テレビシリーズ監督として手掛けた「四畳半神話大系」(10年)、「ピンポン THE ANIMATION」(14年)などでも多くの賞を受賞。17年には『夜は短し歩けよ乙女』、『夜明け告げるルーのうた』長編監督作2作品が劇場公開。『夜は短し歩けよ乙女』は日本アカデミー賞最優秀アニメーション賞の他、オタワ国際アニメーション映画祭では、日本人監督初の長編部門グランプリを受賞。また自身初のオリジナル長編作品『夜明け告げるルーのうた』は、アヌシー国際アニメーション映画祭でグランプリにあたるクリスタル賞を受賞。その快進撃は止まらず、18年1月よりNetflixで「DEVILMAN crybaby」の全世界一斉配信がスタートするとたちまち日本のみならず世界中を熱狂させ話題となった。待機作として、『きみと、波にのれたら』の他、アニメシリーズ「SUPER SHIRO」がある。今、その才能に最も注目が集まるアニメーション監督。 脚本 吉田 玲子 93年に脚本家デビュー。アニメーション作品を中心に幅広く活躍。主な作品に、『猫の恩返し』(02年)、『映画けいおん!』(11年)、『聲の形』(16年)、『若おかみは小学生!』(18年)など。また、湯浅監督初のオリジナル長編作品である『夜明け告げるルーのうた』(17年)でも脚本を担当。東京アニメアワードアニメオブザイヤー部門において、14年と17年に脚本・原作賞を受賞。 音楽 大島 ミチル 国立音楽大学作曲科卒業。 在学中から作、編曲家としての活動を始め、映画音楽、CM音楽、TV番組音楽、アニメー ション音楽、施設音楽など様々な分野で活躍。第31回日本アカデミー賞最優秀音楽賞をはじめ、日本アカデミー優秀音楽賞7回、毎日映画コンクール音楽賞2回など、受賞歴多数。アニメーション作品では、「鋼の錬金術師」、「リトルウイッチアカデミア」シリーズなどを手掛け、また、湯浅監督作品「四畳半神話大系」(10年)、『夜は短し歩けよ乙女』(17年)でも音楽を担当している。 アニメーション制作スタジオ サイエンスSARU 2013年、湯浅政明とチェ・ウニョンが設立。カートゥーンネットワークの『アドベンチャー・タイム』スペシャルエピソード「FOOD CHAIN」の企画からアニメーション制作までを一括で担当した。「ピンポン THE ANIMATION」(14年)では東京アニメアワードのTV部門グランプリを受賞。17年には、劇場作品『夜は短し歩けよ乙女』と『夜明け告げるルーのうた』を2ヶ月連続で公開。『夜は短し歩けよ乙女』は日本アカデミー賞最優秀アニメーション賞を、『夜明け告げるルーのうた』はアヌシー国際アニメーション映画祭でグランプリにあたるクリスタル賞を受賞し、湯浅政明、サイエンスSARUの名を世界に知らしめた。さらに、18年には、スタジオ初のシリーズ作品「DEVILMAN crybaby」がNetflixにより全世界同時配信。また「クレヨンしんちゃん」の人気キャラクター“シロ”を主人公にしたアニメシリーズ「SUPER SHIRO」を制作することでも話題を呼んでいる。 『夜は短し歩けよ乙女』 ©森見登美彦・KADOKAWA/ナカメの会 『夜明け告げるルーのうた』 ©2017 ルー製作委員会 主題歌 「Brand New Story」 (GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE) リリース情報 発売日:2019年7月17日(水) タイトル:「Brand New Story」 [SG+DVD]RZCD-86899/B 1, 800円 (本体価格+税) [SG]RZCD-86900 1, 000円 (本体価格+税) [CD収録内容] M1. Brand New Story M2. タイトル未定 ほか 収録内容未定 [DVD収録内容] Brand New Story (Music Video) GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE EXILE HIROプロデュースのもと2012年11月「BRAVE IT OUT」でデビュー。デビュー以来全シングルがオリコンチャートTOP10入り、アルバムは3作連続1位を獲得。3rdシングル「Love You More」はサマンサタバサCMソングに起用されYouTubeでの再生回数も1, 000万回を突破。9thシングル「Hard Knock Days」はアニメ「ONE PIECE」のオープニングテーマとしてオンエア。12thシングル「涙」はノンタイアップながらオリコン1位を獲得する大ヒット。2015年にはホールツアーを、2016・2017年にはアリーナツアーを開催。2016年のツアーは8ヶ月にわたって40万人以上を動員、さらに2015年・2017年にはワールドツアー、2018年には初のドームツアーを実施。人気・実力とも確実にステップアップしている今要注目のEXILE TRIBE発ダンス&ボーカルグループ。.
Kimi to, nami ni noretara Movie. Kimi to, nami ni noretara movie watch. 昨日と似たような繰り返しの普通に 少しずつこっそり時間削られた. 8 Posted by 4 months ago Clip spoiler 1 comment 72% Upvoted Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up Sort by View discussions in 1 other community level 1 Original Poster 2 points · 4 months ago I saw the movie yesterday and I love how they sing in this scene in the movie. I can't wait for the full version. More posts from the anime community Continue browsing in r/anime r/anime Reddit's premier anime community. 1. 4m competitive karuta fans 8. 7k studying the Hyakunin Isshu Created Jan 25, 2008 help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts Communities Top Posts Topics about careers press advertise blog Terms Content policy Privacy policy Mod policy Reddit Inc © 2020. All rights reserved.
The story centers on the relationship between Hinako, who has moved to a coastal town upon entering university and Minato, a young firefighter with a strong sense of justice. Hinako loves surfing and while fearless on the sea, she's still uncertain about her future. Following a fire mishap in the town, Hinako and Minato encounter each other. As they spend more time surfing together, Hinako feels drawn to Minato, who dedicates himself to help others. Two anime movies from high profile directors about fire fighters in the same year! Very interesting. Looking forward to it.
Que canción mas bonita, cada que la escuchó me hace llorar :3. Kimi to nami ni noretara movie watch 2017. Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts log in sign up 1 1 Posted by 7 months ago Archived comment 100% Upvoted This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Sort by no comments yet Be the first to share what you think! More posts from the AnimeRSS community Continue browsing in r/AnimeRSS r/AnimeRSS Anime New Episodes RSS Feed, supported by IFTTT. 2 Members 3 Online Created Jun 16, 2019 Restricted help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts Communities Top Posts Topics about careers press advertise blog Terms Content policy Privacy policy Mod policy Reddit Inc © 2020. All rights reserved Cookies help us deliver our Services. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Learn More.
2 wins & 1 nomination. See more awards » Videos Learn more More Like This Animation | Adventure Family 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6. 6 / 10 X A young girl is drawn into a mystery involving sealife around the world, in which two mysterious boys are somehow involved. Director: Ayumu Watanabe Stars: Mana Ashida, Hiiro Ishibashi, Seishû Uragami Comedy 6. 8 / 10 The story centers on Kai, a gloomy middle school student whose life changes after meeting Lu, a mermaid. Masaaki Yuasa Kanon Tani, Shôta Shimoda, Shin'ichi Shinohara 6. 1 / 10 A girl without self-confidence meets a mysterious alchemist Hippocrates and his student Pipo who are on a mission to save the world. Together, they laid the groundwork for "Wonderland" and Akane is labeled as Wonderland's savior. Keiichi Hara Mayu Matsuoka, Anne Watanabe, Kumiko Asô Drama 7. 6 / 10 The story of the titular girl known only as "Otome" and her insanely long night of partying and drinking-complete with a book fair, festival, and many adventures in between. It is also the... See full summary » Gen Hoshino, Kana Hanazawa, Hiroshi Kamiya 7. 2 / 10 A fourth-grader, Aoyama-kun, investigates the mysterious reason behind the sudden appearance of penguins in his village, which is somehow related to a power from a young woman working at a dental clinic. Hiroyasu Ishida Kana Kita, Yû Aoi, Landen Beattie 7. 9 / 10 In Fujisawa, where the skies are bright and the seas glisten, Sakuta Azusagawa is in his second year of high school. His blissful days with his girlfriend and upperclassman, Mai Sakurajima,... See full summary » Sôichi Masui Kaito Ishikawa, Asami Seto, Inori Minase Action 7. 3 / 10 A futuristic firefighting mecha service is created to protect the world. Hiroyuki Imaishi John Eric Bentley, Steve Blum, Johnny Yong Bosch A tiny mountain village in a remote woodland region. Five primary school kids have come together in this idyllic spot in order to spend their summer holidays at a camp. At first the... See full summary » Directors: Kôji Masunari, Tomoyo Kurosawa, Honoka Ikezuki, Takuto Yoshinaga 6. 7 / 10 Nobita saw a moon turned yellow last night and told his class about it but they think it's funny. Doraemon gives him the "History Explorers Club Badge" and discovers there's life on the moon. Until a new student changed him forever. Jeong-beom Lee, Shinnosuke Yakuwa Wasabi Mizuta, Sang Hyun Uhm, Jung-jae Lee 7 / 10 After losing her parents in a car accident, Okko starts living in the countryside with her grandmother who runs a traditional Japanese inn. While she prepares to be the next owner of the inn, Okko can somehow see friendly ghosts. Kitarô Kôsaka Seiran Kobayashi, Nana Mizuki, Satsumi Matsuda 6. 2 / 10 The world's greatest blue sapphire, the "blue lapis fist", said to have sunk in a pirate ship in the late 19th century, on the coasts of Singapore. A local millionaire plots to retrieve it,... See full summary » Tomoka Nagaoka Yu Asakawa, Kurt Common, Ryan Drees Edit Storyline A surfer and firefighter meet and fall in love. Plot Summary Add Synopsis Details Release Date: 19 February 2020 (USA) See more » Also Known As: Ride Your Wave Box Office Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $3, 586, 375 See more on IMDbPro » Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs ».
Masaaki Yuasa's 'Kimi to, Nami ni Noretara' Anime Film Trailer Previews Theme Song - News - Anime News Network Views Features chronological archives Jan 31 Interview: CloverWorks's Akira Shimizu and Yuichi Fukushima Jan 29 Interview: Up-and-coming J-Rock Group BRATS Jan 24 Carole & Tuesday: A Song of Refugees and Fire Jan 22 The Curious Case of Sally Amaki, the Bilingual Idol Jan 17 Interview: Guilty Kiss, A Love Live! Sensation & Fan-Made Obsession Jan 16 Hands-On and Interview: Granblue Fantasy Versus Jan 15 Who Writes Fate/Grand Order? Jan 13 Interview: RADWIMPS, The Beloved Musicians Behind Makoto Shinkai's Blockbuster Works Reviews alphabetical archives Our Dining Table GN Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai BR Jan 28 Made in Abyss: Dawn of the Deep Soul Jan 27 My Father is a Unicorn GN Jan 26 Goblin Slayer Novel 8 The Legends of Luke Skywalker: The Manga Jan 23 Which Hana? GN 1 Downfall GN Columns 14:00 The List - 5 Top Anime Opening Songs of Winter 2020 Feb 1 ANNCast - Do You Mean "Anime" Anime or like, Actual Anime? Jan 30 This Week in Anime - Is Asteroid in Love Worth Watching? This Week in Games - Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore Everything (incl. Interviews and Seasonal features like Anime Spotlight, Preview Guide, Weekly Rankings) (incl. Game Reviews) (incl. Anime News Nina!, ANNtv, ANNCast, Answerman, Astro Toy, Brain Diving, Buried Treasure, Chicks On Anime, Crashing Japan, The Dub Track, The Edit List, Epic Threads, From The Gallery, Hai Fidelity, House of 1000 Manga, Ima Kore Ga Hoshiin Da, Old School, Pile of Shame, RIGHT TURN ONLY!!, Shelf Life, Sound Decision, Sub Culture, Super Plastic, Tales Of The Industry, Tankobon Tower, The Click, The Gallery, The List, The Mike Toole Show, The Set List, The Stream, This Week in Games, This Week in Anime, Vice & Luna) Editorials (incl. Industry Comments) Login or Register No account yet? Registering is free, easy, and private. Discuss in the forum, contribute to the Encyclopedia, build your own MyAnime lists, and more. posted on 2019-03-08 14:42 EST by Jennifer Sherman The official website for director Masaaki Yuasa 's Kimi to, Nami ni Noretara (tentative English title: "Riding a Wave with You") anime film revealed a trailer and poster visual on Saturday. The trailer previews GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE 's theme song "Brand New Story. " The film will open in Japan on June 21. Ryota Katayose (pictured upper left in image above) of GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE will play Minato Hinageshi (upper left), a fireman with a strong sense of justice. On land, he can handle any task. The film will be Katayose's first voice acting role. He loses his life in an accident at sea, but he can appear again thanks to Hinako's song. Rina Kawaei (lower right) will play Hinako Mikaimizu (upper right), a college student who loves to surf. She has a bright and carefree personality but lacks confidence in her future. Honoka Matsumoto (pictured lower left in image above) will play Yōko Hinageshi (upper left), a curt and blunt high schooler and Minato's younger sister. Kentaro Ito (lower right) will play Wasabi Kawamura (upper right), a cheerful rookie fireman who looked up to Minato before Minato passed away. The love story follows Hinako, a college student who moves to a coastal town. She loves surfing, and when she's on the waves she's fearless, but on land she has trouble riding the waves of life. When a fire wreaks havoc in the town, Hinako encounters a firefighter named Minato. Minato can handle almost any task on land, but is a beginner at surfing. As they surf and spend more time together, Hinako feels drawn to someone like Minato who devotes himself to helping other people, and the two start a relationship. However, Minato loses his life in an accident at sea. Despondent, Hinako sings a song about their memories together, and Minato appears again from the water. Reiko Yoshida ( Lu over the wall, A Silent Voice, Liz and the Blue Bird) is writing the film's script, and Michiru Oshima ( Patema Inverted, The Night is Short Walk On, Girl) is composing the music. Machi Kiachi ( 'Shōjo, Tokimeki ni Shinu, ' Dekiai Kiss) launched a short manga inspired by the film in Shogakukan 's Deluxe Betsucomi magazine in February. The manga will be two chapters long with a total of about 80 pages. The manga depicts an original story of Minato and Hinako's first meeting. Kimi to, Nami ni Noretara will be Yuasa's first new work since The Night is Short Walk On, Girl, Lu over the wall, and DEVILMAN crybaby. Sources: Kimi to, Nami ni Noretara film's website, Comic Natalie News homepage / archives.
2:58 Jojos Bizarre Adventure in a nutshell. 2019:dance monkey 2020:yummy yummy yummy. Kimi to 2c nami ni noretara movie watch codes. Minato they just HAAAD to name him Minato didn't they? Double whammy on the feels.
Kimi to, nami ni noretara Movie watch. Kimi to nami ni noretara movie watch list. I got a toonami vibe off the intro 😂. Masaaki Yuasa's 'Kimi to, Nami ni Noretara' Anime Film Gets 2-Chapter Manga - News - Anime News Network Views Features chronological archives Feb 7 The Real-World Stories Behind Dr. Stone's Inventions Feb 5 Hunting for Hanako Jan 31 Interview: CloverWorks's Akira Shimizu and Yuichi Fukushima Jan 29 Interview: Up-and-coming J-Rock Group BRATS Jan 24 Carole & Tuesday: A Song of Refugees and Fire Jan 22 The Curious Case of Sally Amaki, the Bilingual Idol Jan 17 Interview: Guilty Kiss, A Love Live! Sensation & Fan-Made Obsession Jan 16 Hands-On and Interview: Granblue Fantasy Versus Reviews alphabetical archives Feb 10 Given GN 1 Golden Kamuy Season One [Limited Edition] Feb 6 Living-Room Matsunaga-san GN 1 Goblin Slayer: Goblin's Crown Feb 4 Persona 5 GN 1 Feb 3 Genius Prince's Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt Novel 2 Our Dining Table GN Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai BR Columns 14:00 This Week in Anime - Is Jeweler Richard This Season's Hidden Gem? Feb 9 The List - 5 Best Monster Girl Anime Feb 8 ANNCast - It's The Puppet Show This Week in Games - Optic Blast from the Past Everything (incl. Interviews and Seasonal features like Anime Spotlight, Preview Guide, Weekly Rankings) (incl. Game Reviews) (incl. Anime News Nina!, ANNtv, ANNCast, Answerman, Astro Toy, Brain Diving, Buried Treasure, Chicks On Anime, Crashing Japan, The Dub Track, The Edit List, Epic Threads, From The Gallery, Hai Fidelity, House of 1000 Manga, Ima Kore Ga Hoshiin Da, Old School, Pile of Shame, RIGHT TURN ONLY!!, Shelf Life, Sound Decision, Sub Culture, Super Plastic, Tales Of The Industry, Tankobon Tower, The Click, The Gallery, The List, The Mike Toole Show, The Set List, The Stream, This Week in Games, This Week in Anime, Vice & Luna) Editorials (incl. Industry Comments) Login or Register No account yet? Registering is free, easy, and private. Discuss in the forum, contribute to the Encyclopedia, build your own MyAnime lists, and more. posted on 2019-02-24 02:00 EST by Crystalyn Hodgkins Manga creator Machi Kiachi ( 'Shōjo, Tokimeki ni Shinu, ' Dekiai Kiss) launched a short manga adaptation of director Masaaki Yuasa 's Kimi to, Nami ni Noretara (tentative English title: "Riding a Wave with You") anime film in the April issue of Shogakukan 's Deluxe Betsucomi manga magazine on Saturday. The manga will be two chapters long with a total of about 80 pages. The manga depicts an original story of Minato and Hinako's first meeting. The film will open in Japan on June 21. Ryota Katayose of GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE will play Minato Hinageshi, and Rina Kawaei will play Hinako Mikaimizu. Reiko Yoshida ( Lu over the wall, A Silent Voice, Liz and the Blue Bird) is writing the film's script, and Michiru Oshima ( Patema Inverted, The Night is Short Walk On, Girl) is composing the music. The love story follows Hinako, a college student who moves to a coastal town. She loves surfing, and when she's on the waves she's fearless, but on land she has trouble riding the waves of life. When a fire wreaks havoc in the town, Hinako encounters a firefighter named Minato. Minato can handle almost any task on land, but is a beginner at surfing. As they surf and spend more time together, Hinako feels drawn to someone like Minato who devotes himself to helping other people, and the two start a relationship. However, Minato loses his life in an accident at sea. Despondent, Hinako sings a song about their memories together, and Minato appears again from the water. Sources: Kimi to, Nami ni Noretara film's Twitter account, Eiga Natalie bookmark/share with: Daily Briefs homepage / archives.
瞬きの向こうに いろいろいくつも 見落としたり 見落としたふりしたり. Kimi to, nami ni noretara Movie watches. Kimi to nami ni noretara movie watch english. あと少しで高校卒業してしまうって考えながら聞いたら泣きそうになった. Kimi to nami ni noretara movie watch full. Que hermosa canción - me encanta :3 <3. MOVIES 2:45 PM PST 12/5/2019 by Courtesy GKIDS Wobbles a bit finding its footing. Masaaki Yuasa’s newest anime feature follows a teen surfer experiencing first love and enduring a life-changing tragedy before finally discovering her true calling. After several recent features that favored the more fantastical aspects of the genre, anime director Masaaki Yuasa returns with Ride Your Wave, a slightly more realistic teen-oriented comedic drama. Following a June debut in Japan, GKIDS will release the surfing-themed film stateside next year, ideally coordinated with the start of summer vacation, which could help build word of mouth for a title that’s rather more conventional than the acclaimed director’s best-known films. Relocating to Chiba to begin university studies in oceanography, avid surfer Hinako (Rina Kawaei) finds herself right at home in the seaside city, where she can hit the waves anytime after just a short bike ride down to the beach. Her route happens to pass by the neighborhood firehouse, where she catches the eye of young firefighter trainee Minato (Ryota Katayose). Clearly taken with the new girl in town, he tries to keep an eye on the nearest surf break for Hinako to appear. “That’s my hero, ” he sighs, gazing at her carving waves offshore from the apartment he shares with co-worker Wasabi (Kentaro Ito). Hinako needs her own hero, though, when her apartment goes up in flames after some local punks set off illegal fireworks next door, bringing Minato to her rescue when the firefighters respond. Apparently too traumatized by the experience to continue her studies, she takes a job at a flower shop and begins dating Minato, who is eager to improve his surfing skills. The two remain inseparable until Minato drowns during a tragic ocean rescue attempt, sending Hinako into a deep depression. One day, however, she discovers that by singing their favorite song, she can invoke Minato’s spirit, although he will only appear immersed in water, even just a glassful if it’s nearby. Hinako quickly gets reattached to her now-insubstantial boyfriend, but her friends can’t see him at all and begin to worry about her state of mind. Yet as comforting as she might find Minato’s presence, Hinako gradually realizes that she’ll need to somehow break free if she’s going to move on with her life. Yuasa’s character designs and backgrounds are fairly realistic by the standards of his earlier films, many populated by oddball humans and fantastical creatures, like 2017’s award-winner Lu Over the Wall. This shift in style transforms Ride Your Wave into fairly standard anime fare, even if the pic’s climactic scenes are probably as ambitious as many of his other memorable set pieces. Tonally however, the film remains a bit more uneven, shifting from romantic teen drama to lighthearted fantasy as Hinako drifts further into her own world, enthralled with Minato’s spirit, even as she begins to realize that his soul may be stuck in limbo, preventing him from reaching the afterlife. Screenwriter Reiko Yoshida initially oversells the script’s girl-power theme, first depicting Hinako as a confident and competent young athlete, then cutting her adrift when she falls for Minato and almost completely loses her sense of independence. The filmmakers’ reliance on romantic situations throughout the midsection may have some older teens and adults rolling their eyes, but the final scenes over-deliver with a literal flood of action that enables Hinako to definitively prove herself and discover her true calling. Production companies: Fuji Television Network, Science SARU Distributors: Toho Co., GKIDS Cast: Ryota Katayose, Rina Kawaei, Honoka Matsumoto, Kentaro Ito Director: Masaaki Yuasa Screenwriter: Reiko Yoshida Producers: Yuka Okayasu, Eunyoung Choi Executive producers: Makoto Yamaguchi, Minami Ichikawa, Masaaki Yuasa, Masanori Yumiya, Masakazu Kubo, Kei Morita, Akihito Watanabe Editor: Kiyoshi Hirose Music: Michiru Oshima Venue: Hawaii International Film Festival (Spotlight on Japan) 96 minutes.
Maigo no mama demo daijoubu bokura wa doko e demo ikeru to omou. Posted by 11 months ago Archived This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast level 1 1 point · 11 months ago · edited 11 months ago This looks great. I'm looking forward to its US theater debut, whenever that is. level 1 1 point · 11 months ago Reddit's premier anime community. 1. 4m competitive karuta fans 8. 7k studying the Hyakunin Isshu Reddit Inc © 2020. All rights reserved. 1 1 Posted by 1 month ago comment 100% Upvoted Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up Sort by no comments yet Be the first to share what you think! More posts from the StreamAnimeTV community Continue browsing in r/StreamAnimeTV r/StreamAnimeTV Stream anime online, download anime and discuss anime on streamanimetv Link: 98 Members 8 Online Created May 13, 2018 help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts Communities Top Posts Topics about careers press advertise blog Terms Content policy Privacy policy Mod policy Reddit Inc © 2020. All rights reserved.
ランペのスリボがかっこよすぎてやばいぃぃぃ🤯 みんなかっこよすぎ〜!. Hinako is a surfer, Minato is a firefighter. Both about 20 and they fall in love. Everything is ridiculously perfect, but one day Minato drowns while trying to save someone from the ocean.
Hinako, understandably takes it pretty bad, but to her surprise, whenever she starts singing their favorite song, Minato's spirit appears in the closest body of water - be it a stream, the ocean, or a bottle of mineral water.
The whole story is really about Hinako, Minato's friends and family, and how they slowly but finally learn to "let go.
Of course, it's magical-realism, so in the end we get to witness some crazy action as well, where we surf down a skyscraper with our protagonists.
Unfortunately, this is not the most original story, the characters are a little two dimensional, and the filmmaking could've been a little braver.
It's fine though, the film looks really nice, colorful with constantly glowing orange hues and cool blues. The action looks fantastic as well and the environments feel very "lived in" and detailed. Seeing it on a big screen really adds to the experience.
It is also paced well, has some pretty funny moments, as well as a couple of quite moving ones.
Recommended if you manage to catch it screening somewhere, but not an essential viewing.
Really not much else to say about it, but seeing the only other user review for this title is from someone who clearly has no idea what he's talking about, I wanted to add my two cents.
Main Character: dies Here we go again.
Kimi to, nami ni noretara Movie watching.
1 Posted by 27 days ago Kimi to, Nami ni Noretara - Ride Your Wave - WinoXA Sub comment 100% Upvoted Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up Sort by no comments yet Be the first to share what you think! More posts from the Tarjoam community Continue browsing in r/Tarjoam r/Tarjoam محاولة يائسة أخرى لجمع إصدارات المترجمين العرب في حساب واحد وتنبيه المتابعين بها في أقرب وقت. فيس بوك: تلغرام: تويتر: 17 Members 3 Online Created Feb 20, 2019 Restricted help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts Communities Top Posts Topics about careers press advertise blog Terms Content policy Privacy policy Mod policy Reddit Inc © 2020. All rights reserved.
Kimi to nami ni noretara movie watch online. He took several years of his life to target PEDOPHILIA, WELL I RESPECT THAT. Me: This is oddly familiar Trailer: From the same people who made the smash hit Your Name Me: So that's why. 看完直接憂鬱一直說要再看一次😥但電影院包含我和同學只有6個人... 明明就那麼好看... 電影沒了全部人都還待著聽歌啊啊ಥ‿ಥ.
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